Homeopathy - What is it?
Classical homeopathy is a healing art that was developed more than 200 years ago by the German doctor Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was founded. He found out that nature has plant, animal and mineral substances in store for us which, if suitably prepared, diluted and potentised, can heal people. I will give you so-called globules, one of the medicinal forms of homeopathy. In my practice, I mostly use high potencies, which means from 200c up to 1000c or M, 10,000c or XM and sometimes 50,000c is equal to LM. I rarely use Q potencies, also called LM potencies. This may be unusual for you as most homeopaths prefer the low potencies. However, I have been working with the high potencies for many years because the lower potencies and Q-potencies did not show the healing effect I wanted. You will receive the different potencies from me with a precise explanation of how you should take them. Under Samuel Hahnemann you will find out everything about this brilliant person. I have described some cases of illness in more detail under case studies.
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